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FWC scratches glass maker's flawed deal

The FWC has rejected a glass manufacturer's claims that it accidentally halved rest breaks in a proposed deal, dismissing the employer's approval application because it failed to adequately explain it and other deficient clauses to the workers who voted for it.

Court reinstates accused, suspended teacher

Tasmania's Supreme Court has upheld the State Industrial Commission's decision to reinstate a teacher accused of child s-x offences, so that he is suspended on full pay.

Workers on $170K not "guaranteed" high income: Court

A major mining company should have paid untaken sick leave to 20 retrenched employees, the Federal Court has ruled, in a judgment closely examining how the Fair Work Act's high-income threshold applies to annualised salaries.

Toll variation to open way for bottom-feeders: TWU

The TWU says a Toll Transport bid to amend the Road Transport and Distribution Award to "clarify" afternoon and night shift penalty provisions is a "shocking move" prompted by the union's allegations that it has been underpaying workers at one of its sites.

Multinational's "disrupter" lament fails to seal deal

A multinational company's lament about competing against "market disrupters" who treat workers as independent contractors has failed to distract the FWC from finding its proposed agreement failed the BOOT.

Aged care work significantly undervalued: Canberra

The Albanese Government has told the FWC it backs a minimum pay rise for the 365,000 aged care workers because their work value "is significantly higher than modern awards currently reflect" and "gender-based assumptions" have undervalued their labour.

Limited revival for Schedule X unpaid pandemic leave

Just a month after declaring its intention to delete "Schedule X" unpaid pandemic leave provisions, the recent COVID-19 resurgence has spurred the FWC to extend their operation in a handful of health and care awards, coinciding with the Federal Government reviving the pandemic leave disaster payments.

"Bold" unpaid pandemic leave provision to be retired

The FWC is set to pull the shutters down on what academics hailed as its "bold" decision to give more than four million award-covered workers access to unpaid leave and twice as much annual leave on half-pay in response to pandemic uncertainties.