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Cain exit adds to CFMEU shake-up

CFMEU national secretary Christy Cain has given notice that he will leave the role in June, paving the way for further leadership change at the militant union covering construction and maritime workers.

Lambie maintains push for union's demerger

A key Senate crossbench party, the Jacquie Lambie Network, has introduced legislation to enable the CFMEU's manufacturing division to proceed with its thwarted attempt to de-merge from the amalgamated union.

FWC freezes organiser's permit for three months

The FWC has suspended the entry permit of the CFMEU construction division's sole Wollongong organiser over a "moderately serious" breach soon after the union engaged him five years ago, and which late last year earned him a $4000 fine.

No 10-day minimum for e-ballots: FWC

A senior FWC member has granted unions a protected action ballot period of eight working days despite an employer's claim his decision in Nilsen established a 10-day minimum for electronic voting, and its concerns a shorter timeframe will hamper preparations for the s448A compulsory conference.

SDA wins coverage in new Subway deal

A FWC full bench led by President Adam Hatcher has granted the SDA coverage in a deal capturing six Subway stores after the union successfully challenged approval of an agreement replacing a 17-year-old deal due to be automatically axed in December.

Farmers' IR body interred after seven decades

After more than 70 years of providing IR services to Victorian farming employers, the Victorian Farmers Federation Industrial Association has been wound up.

Iron ore supply threat averted as BHP buckles on guaranteed rises

BHP iron ore train drivers in the Pilbara have called off tomorrow's planned 24-hour strike, after reaching what the MEU says is an "industry-leading" in-principle enterprise deal that provides a guaranteed across-the-board 20% pay rise over four years and $40,000 in retention payments.

Combet to chair Future Fund, drop "just transition" role

Former ACTU leader Greg Combet will replace former Coalition treasurer Peter Costello as chair of the Future Fund Board of Guardians, necessitating him stepping down from his leadership of the Federal Government's "just transition" agency, Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced this morning.