Employer organisations page 12 of 24

233 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Employer organisations

Bid to exit RO system "unusual": ROC

The NT Master Builders Association is citing a "heavy compliance burden" for seeking to cancel its status as a registered organisation and shift to a corporate structure, a move the Registered Organisations Commission says is now "very unusual".

Biggest minimum wage hike since 2010 "unlikely" to hit jobs: FWC

The Fair Work Commission today reaffirmed its view that modest and regular minimum wage increases won't sabotage a robust employment landscape, representing this year's 3.5% hike as an "opportunity to improve relative living standards of the low-paid".

News Flash: Award wages up by 3.5% from July 1

The Fair Work Commission has this morning granted award-reliant workers a 3.5% increase, lifting the national minimum wage by $24.30 a week or 64 cents an hour in this year's annual wage review ruling.

ROC takes first case to the courts

A year after its establishment, the Registered Organisations Commission has begun its first court case, seeking penalties against the CEPU for allegedly failing to keep an accurate list of its offices and office holders on numerous occasions over a period of more than two years.

Government's "attack dog" puts bite on employers

Two days after being labelled the Turnbull Government's "beloved political attack dog" upon receiving an $8.1 million fillip in the Budget, the Registered Organisations Commission has confirmed two inquiries into financial reporting irregularities by employer bodies.

'Comic' employment contracts won't save the day...yet

So-called 'comic' employment contracts replacing dense legalese with images have been coolly received by both the peak employer and employee bodies, each expressing a preference for the power of words when it comes to interpretation and enforcement.

Catholic schools strike averted as new deal embeds arbitration rights

The IEU is recommending NSW and ACT Catholic school teachers and support workers vote "yes" to a revised deal breaking an extended deadlock over guaranteed access to FWC arbitration, while employers have committed to making a second back-payment to the start of the year.