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233 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Employer organisations

Bench again declines paid pandemic leave bid

A five-member FWC full bench has confirmed the provisional view it reached in August last year that there is not a strong enough case, with the COVID-19 pandemic relatively well-controlled in Australia, to insert paid pandemic in awards covering paramedics and NDIS, home care and patient transport workers.

Single loaded rate unlikely, says FWC president

If the FWC incorporates loaded rates in hospitality and retail awards after a referral from IR Minister Christian Porter, it is likely to involve a range of such rates rather than a single one, the tribunal's president indicated in a statement today.

Leave entitlements critical for transgender support: Expert

Transition leave, "all-gender" toilets and training on LGBTQ issues signal to transgender employees that it is safe to come out in the workplace, according to employer support program Pride in Diversity.

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; & more

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; New inquiry into insecure employment; Submissions due in February for APS capability inquiry; Inquiry considering axing retired judges' pensions for past misconduct; and VACC seeking name change.

Ross responds to Porter's loaded rates request

FWC President Iain Ross has agreed to consider IR Minister Christian Porter's request that he insert loaded rates into awards for "distressed" industries and will convene initial conferences next week.

Porter introduces Bill to enable CFMMEU break-up

IR Minister Christian Porter has today introduced legislation that would enable the CFMMEU's mining and energy division to de-merge from the troubled amalgamated union.

Labor resolves to back de-merger legislation

Labor's caucus has agreed today to support the Morrison Government's legislation to make it easier for unions to de-merge, which will enable the CFMMEU's mining and energy division to depart next year.

No accord on awards after IR roundtables

An internal ACTU report says that employers and unions involved in the Morrison Government's IR working groups ended up at loggerheads over proposals to overhaul the award system, but found common cause on using shared data on award pay rates and entitlements.