Rules and rule changes page 9 of 17

170 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Rules and rule changes

Divisional "poaching" within the rules, court hears

The CFMMEU's construction and general division Victorian branch was acting within the union rules when it recruited members from the union's manufacturing division, the Federal Court heard yesterday

Short hiatus for CFMMEU "poaching" case

The Federal Court trial of allegations that the CFMMEU's construction and general division Victorian branch has been "poaching" members from elsewhere within the union has been delayed by consent.

"Dysfunctional" union fined $445K for reporting breaches

The CEPU has been fined $445,000 for historic reporting breaches, a Federal Court judge observing that the penalty would have been higher had the union not moved to clean up its act by employing a compliance officer.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

ROC seeks to correct AWU raids ruling

In the ROC's appeal against the Federal Court ruling that invalidated its probe into the AWU's donations to Get Up, it claims the trial judge misconstrued prosecution time limits and misunderstood what constitutes "reasonable grounds" for the watchdog to start an investigation.

CFMMEU national leader seeks to halt "poaching"

CFMMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor has applied for Federal Court orders to immediately stop construction and general division Victorian branch leader John Setka from encouraging and inducing manufacturing division members to resign and join his operation.

Accept major civil projects are ours: AWU to CFMMEU

An AWU leader has called on the CFMMEU's construction division to accept that courts and tribunals have determined that the AWU is the "principal union" in civil construction and tunnelling.

ROC says AWU flouted reporting obligations for years

The Registered Organisations Commission has told the AWU it appears to have breached it statutory reporting obligations on its membership in each consecutive year from 2009 until 2017.