Redundancy/severance page 6 of 16

151 articles are classified in All Articles > Entitlements and standards > Redundancy/severance

Award severance clause trumps incapacity provision: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to reduce a $12,000 retrenchment payout to zero, ruling that the Fair Work Act's "incapacity to pay" provisions don't apply when the entitlement arises from a source such as an award.

Sacking costs listed company $1.1m despite unsigned contract

An ASX-listed investment house that summarily dismissed an executive director without explanation must pay $1.1 million in damages, after the absence of a signed contract left a court to assess her implied bonus and notice terms.

We're not responsible for HR consultant's errors: Company

A marine services company has failed to convince the FWC that it would be unfair to hold it accountable for the errors of an HR consultant by making it pay redundancy entitlements to a manager it offered to redeploy after a business transfer.

Tribunal orders A-G's to make FEG retrenchment payment

The AAT has overruled the Attorney-General's Department's refusal to make a FEG redundancy payment to a worker who claims she stayed on at the administrator's request to help with winding-down a failed company, but then had her retrenchment payout denied when employee numbers fell from 60 to below the eligibility threshold of 15.

FWC rebuffs coronavirus-hit employer's zero payout bid

The FWC has rejected a Tasmanian produce company's bid to avoid paying redundancy entitlements due to a "paucity" of evidence that it cannot pay and faces insolvency after a 100% coronavirus-related revenue hit.

FWC applies brake to university redundancies

The FWC has stopped Deakin University from moving ahead with hundreds of redundancies until the resolution of a dispute over whether it must consult at an institution-wide level with the NTEU before reaching a final decision.

Court confirms big employer's redundancy payment for reducing hours

In a significant judgment examining the interplay between employment relationships and employment contracts, the Federal Court has dismissed a major employer's appeal against a ruling it owed a cleaner redundancy pay after reducing her hours from full to part-time.