Labour hire/on hire page 2 of 17

164 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Labour hire/on hire

Loopholes Bill will not change casual work incidence: Expert

The Closing Loopholes Bill is unlikely to reduce reliance on long-term casual employment and will not expose employers to "unnecessary uncertainty", a leading IR law academic says, contradicting barrister Stuart Wood's recent advice to the BCA.

WA Labor premier asks PM to listen to resources sector pleas

The new WA Labor Premier, Roger Cook, has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to warn that he should consider industry concerns that the Closing Loopholes legislation might damage the mining and resources sector.

Worker's failure to heed FWC's "important note" scuttles court case

A court has refused to grant a self-represented on-hire worker a second extension of time to pursue his "confusing" adverse action case, finding too many gaps in his explanation for a 10-week delay during which he badgered the FWC to arbitrate the matter and travelled overseas.

Loopholes Bill nobbles umpire: BHP

BHP has accused the Albanese Government of "blatantly" seeking to undermine the FWC's independent decision-making by declaring the company's Operations Services internal labour hire arm a key target of the Closing Loopholes legislation.

Loopholes bill fails to deliver contractor exclusion: AREEA

Resources employer group AREEA says the Loopholes Bill's labour hire provisions lack a proper exemption for specialist contractors and will kill off the use of on-hire workers, despite Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke's assurances that the drafting would take "very full account" of its concerns.

Wrong approach to labour hire loophole: UWU

Ahead of its appearance tomorrow before the Senate inquiry into the Closing Loopholes Bill, the United Workers Union has urged the Albanese Government to amend the "same-job, same-pay" reforms in the legislation to make them "more efficient and sensible", while it has also warned that thousands of workers won't benefit because the process is too dependent on running cases in the FWC.

Sham deal might be tip of iceberg: Bench

The FWC will probe potential "wider-scale abuse" of agreement-making under the Fair Work Act after quashing the approval of a Chevron contractor's labour hire deal made with six "employees" in a sham process "entirely lacking in authenticity and moral authority".

Labour hire changes likely to be effective: Stewart

A leading labour law academic says the drafting of the Albanese Government's latest swathe of IR changes is "complex" but the reformed approach to defining an employee is "really significant" and new labour hire provisions are likely to prevent employers from evading agreements via outsourcing.

Loophole bill to protect "bargained rates" in workplaces

The Albanese Government's legislative changes to "close the labour hire loophole" will rely on aggrieved parties seeking orders from the FWC to ensure on-hire workers are paid the same rates as those in the host employer's enterprise agreement.