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Court throws out Catholic ambo's vax challenge

The NSW Supreme Court has rejected another challenge to the State's powers to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for categories of workers, ruling against a senior ambulance officer and religion-based "conscientious objector" to inoculation.

FWC refuses temporary stay on BHP vax mandate

Workers at BHP's Mt Arthur coal mine who have defied a vaccination mandate face being refused access to the site, disciplinary action and the loss of pay after the CFMMEU failed to win interim orders to block it.

"Red union" fails in COVID-19 vax challenge

The Federal Court has rejected an unregistered union's bid for an interlocutory injunction to halt disciplinary action against Victorian public hospital nurses who allegedly lawfully exercised workplace rights to seek consultation under OHS laws on their employer's mandatory vaccination policy.

Ross sidelines Dean after vaccination case dissent

FWC President Iain Ross wrote to Deputy President Lyndall Dean after her controversial dissent in the Kimber compulsory vaccination ruling and alerted IR Minister Michaelia Cash to the correspondence, a Senate committee heard this evening.

Police fail in tribunal vax challenge, but win in court

Queensland police officers have failed to convince a Queensland IRC full bench that the Police Commissioner failed to consult them on a COVID-19 vaccine workforce mandate or lacked power to issue it, but the State's Supreme Court has opened the way for another challenge.

Union seeks to reverse BHP vax mandate

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to halt the rollout of BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley, claiming it is not a lawful and reasonable direction.

Bullying ruling exposes flaws on both sides

In an "unusual" case against a senior HR officer and an operations manager accused of bullying an area manager who "over-reacted" to a restructure, the FWC says it will close the matter if all agree to a host of recommendations or it will seek more evidence to continue the case.

Unregistered unions seek to join anti-mandate case

Two newly-incorporated associations of NSW paramedics and nurses want to join a legal challenge to the State's vaccination mandate for health workers, the NSW Supreme Court heard today.

Judge's reasons "a disordered stream of consciousness"

A full Federal Court has ordered a retrial of a recruitment company employee's adverse action case, finding a Federal Circuit Court judge failed to provide adequate reasons for throwing it out.