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17 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > US

Unions' inflatable rat eludes legal trap

In a decision that has piqued the interest of local unions, a US National Labor Relations Board majority has upheld a ruling that deploying a giant "Scabby the Rat" near neutral employers did not amount to an illegal secondary boycott.

BHP's gender balance target discriminatory: Male executive

A former US-based BHP Billiton executive is seeking compensation and damages because it failed to appoint him to four job openings, alleging the positions went to women "clearly less qualified than him."

Biden seeks to foster worker organising, empowerment

US President Joe Biden has signed executive orders to establish a White House taskforce to promote "worker organising and empowerment" and to lift the minimum wage to $US15 an hour ($A19.23) for Federal Government employees and contractors.

COVID-19 a chance to rebuild worker trust, inclusiveness: Kochan

A leading international IR academic has called for optimism and political courage to forge a new post-pandemic social contract designed to build more productive and resilient economies while rebuilding worker trust and making workplaces more inclusive.

US peak body hoses down general strike suggestions

The AFL-CIO has sought to play down union calls for a possible general strike if US leader Donald Trump refuses to accept the result of the presidential election.

Trump backs bargaining fee ruling

US President Donald Trump has hailed a landmark judgment by the US Supreme Court, which ruled that public sector unions cannot collect compulsory "agency fees" from non-members.