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Robo-debate missing the mark for women: Academics

Academics say a national debate about automation and the future of work is failing to address issues of significance to young women, such as their desire for long, meaningful careers in which they are respected and can count on support while balancing work and family commitments.

Gender pay auditing provides big dividend for female managers

Academic analysis has revealed that gender equality measures are helping to drive a $24,000 average boost to the pay of top-tier women managers, part-funded by a $4,000 decrease in the pay of their male counterparts, while the overall pay gap among full-time workers is unchanged.

Slow progress on gender pay gap, but more employers taking action: WGEA

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency says "remarkable" growth in employers analysing their data for gender pay gaps means more than half now have formal strategies to address imbalances, but its annual scorecard reveals the overall $26,527 gender pay gap has decreased only marginally.

Workplace gender inequality still a blindspot for men: Report

A new report on male engagement in gender equality says men are less likely to recognise s-xism in the workplace, recommending close monitoring of contributions to decision-making, the quality of male/female relationships and the impact and extent of caring responsibilities as strategies to increase awareness.

Mandate public sector equality reporting to WGEA: Academic

The Federal Government should consider requiring APS agencies to report to the WGEA on their performance against gender equality targets, University of NSW researcher Sue Williamson told an IR academics' conference this month.

Victoria to conduct gender audits in State public sector

Victoria will conduct gender audits across the state public sector as part of a new strategy to address inequality, sexism and violence against women, while a Senate inquiry majority has rejected legislation to outlaw "pay gag clauses" to reduce the gender-based remuneration gap.

ACTU commits to in-house gender equality

The ACTU executive today approved a push to introduce rule changes that require gender equity across all of its elected and executive positions.

Share gender equity responsibility between HR and managers: Report

Responsibility for gender equity strategies should be partially devolved from centralised HR departments to line managers, and training to combat "unconscious bias" in selection processes should be mandated for supervisors and managers, according to a new report on barriers to women's career advancement in higher education.

Tribunal allows headhunter to offer women-only searches

Victoria's Civil and Administrative Tribunal has found an executive search company doesn't need an exemption from equal opportunity laws to conduct its female executive recruitment program, but has used its business as a case study, setting out the steps for other applicants to self-assess whether they are already exempt.