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"Positive changes" ward off anti-bullying orders

The FWC has refused to issue anti-bullying orders against a high-profile Adelaide restaurant because it implemented positive measures to tackle unreasonable behaviour.

Hadgkiss rejects bullying allegations

FWBC director Nigel Hadgkiss has denied Labor allegations that the construction watchdog has a culture of "bullying and harassment".

Adverse action roundup: AWU out of time in gas company pursuit; & more

FWC refuses extension for AWU adverse action case against gas companies; Mental health hospitalisation deemed "exceptional circumstances"; Violent confrontation not an exercise of workplace rights; and Manager's "kicked like a dog" complaint did not lead to adverse action: Court.

Transfer to vulnerable position before redundancy not adverse action

Making a project manager redundant after granting his request to be transferred to a less secure position did not constitute adverse action as the new role was better for his mental health and the employer's decision was based on his competence, qualifications, tenure and a business downturn, a court has found.

Company ordered to pay $1.3 in damages for bullying, harassment

A construction company - which came to the attention of the Heydon Royal Commission for paying AWU membership fees on behalf of employees, even if they were not members - has been ordered to pay $1.3 million in damages after admitting it failed to prevent a female labourer being s-xually harassed and bullied by her workmates.

FWC upholds ATO's sacking of manager who failed to lodge tax returns

The ATO's sacking of a debt collection manager with almost 30-years' service has been upheld by the FWC after it found her failure to lodge personal tax returns over four consecutive years amounted to serious misconduct that warranted dismissal.

Police charge Cbus employees with giving false evidence; & more

False evidence charges for Cbus employees; Unions target rural MPs and crossbenchers on penalty rates; Surgeons' action plan aims to reduce discrimination, bullying; Victoria backs family violence education program in workplaces; and Essendon to admit supplements program breached safety laws.

FWC says bullying claim not vexatious, rejects $50,000 costs bid

The chief executive and a manager of a chamber of commerce and industry who withdrew bullying and harassment complaints once they no longer had contact with the alleged perpetrators did not act vexatiously or without reasonable cause in seeking anti-bullying orders, the FWC has found.