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Tax cuts but no IR change in 2007 Budget

The Howard Government’s 2007 Budget doesn’t appear to contain any significant changes in IR funding, instead providing tax cuts to encourage low-paid workers to participate in the workforce, as well as new money for skills development and child care.

IR dominates Budget day in Canberra

On the first day that federal politicians were back in Canberra since the ALP released its IR platform and the Howard Government announced its changes to the agreement-making safety net, both sides were in attack mode on IR.

Work Choices changes a shambles; Labor says bargaining fees to be barred

Newspaper advertisements today are directing IR practitioners to a non-existent Workplace Authority that doesn't have the legal backing to provide advice on the Government's proposed new fairness test, according to Flinders University Professor of Law, Andrew Stewart.

AWU and officers fined $56,000 for illegal strike: court

The AWU has been conditionally fined $40,000, while one of its organisers and three delegates have been fined $4,000 each for an illegal two-day strike at Roche Mining (JR)'s mineral sands plant at Hamilton in Victoria in March last year.

AWA not witnessed cannot apply: AIRC

An AWA that is not signed and witnessed cannot apply, and a court cannot order it to come into operation, according to an AIRC decision.

Combet stands for ALP; Lawrence stands for ACTU

ACTU secretary Greg Combet today confirmed he will be a candidate for the ALP NSW seat of Charlton in this year's federal election, as LHMU national secretary Jeff Lawrence said he would stand for the union top job.

Howard says there will be "minor" changes to come

Prime Minister John Howard has indicated his Government will be making further IR changes in two areas - duress and transmission of business - in addition to the safety net amendments he announced today.