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News in brief, April 14, 2004

Just Group employees get $1,000 in free shares when company floats; Victorian Government defends decision to refuse pay rise for judges; ACOSS calls for tax system to be restructured; Labor spurns ACCI push to retain AWAs; Woolworths shuts out meat union; and ACTU conference to help unions' federal election strategy.

News in brief, April 8, 2004

8.5% rise for Queensland judges and tribunal members unfair to ordinary workers, says QCU; Howard Government funds new childcare places on the fringes; One in three older workers would stay in employment if offered phased retirement, says US report; Submissions close April 14 for WA IR review; and 3% a year under Skywest deal.

Labor softens post-maternity return to work promise

Labor adopted a platform in January that committed it to legislating to give mothers the right to request a return to work part-time, but Shadow Workplace Relations Minister Craig Emerson has revealed today that a Latham Government would not make specific laws to provide the new right.

Latest report indicates Ansett employees will get 83c in the dollar

Former Ansett employees will have received the equivalent of 83c in the dollar for entitlements once the sell-off of the failed airline's assets is complete, down from an estimate late last year of 85c in the dollar, according to the fourth report by administrator KordaMentha.

News in brief, April 7, 2003

Review recommends new entry rights in Victoria; Women's unit axed in NSW Mini-Budget; Tasmanian public servants accept 14.75% increase; Catholic university maternity provision boosts debate on paid maternity leave, says report; and Watchirs appointed ACT Discrimination Commissioner.