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Rule changes will help union meet governance obligations: FWC

The FWC's registered organisations branch has certified rule changes for a prison officers' union stemming from an enforceable undertaking made after the CPSU-SPSF disclosed alleged misconduct in branch elections.

Tribunal rejects lawyer's pregnancy discrimination appeal

An employer did not discriminate against a lawyer when it twice declined to roll over short, fixed-term contracts that would have entitled her to paid maternity leave, an appeal panel has found.

Crean, Combet receive King's Birthday honours

Former Opposition leader and IR minister, the late Simon Crean, and ex-ACTU secretary/government minister Greg Combet have been recognised in the King's Birthday Honours.

Reproductive leave not on agenda: Burke

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has ruled out legislating to insert 10 days' paid reproductive health leave into the NES.

FWC panel up and running on major pay equity case

FWC President Adam Hatcher has moved quickly to establish an expert panel to consider gender undervaluation in five care and community sector awards, today inviting comment on eight potential issues to be aired over 15 days of hearings in December.

Unions urging consumers to deliver sugar hit

The ACTU's Congress yesterday passed a motion urging unions to support a consumer boycott of Goodman Fielder food products ahead of a threatened lockout next week of about 1200 sugar mill workers in north Queensland.