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Campaign 2000 off to quiet start

July 1, the date many Victoria manufacturing employers have long feared, has come and gone with barely a whimper as the metal industry unions so far play the bargaining game strictly by the book.

Changes at Tasmanian Commission

Commissioner Bob Watling has been promoted to Deputy President of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission, while the CEO of the State's Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Tim Abey, is to be a new Commissioner.

Roe appointed AMWU national president

Julius Roe, who lost out to Craig Johnston in the recent elections for secretary of the Victorian branch of the AMWU, has been appointed national president of the union by its national council.

Joy dispute continues; workers rally in Orange

The AMWU has won support outside Australia for its battle against Joy Manufacturing, which has locked out its workforce in the NSW southern highlands for three months now.

Review letters of offer, say lawyers

Senior employment lawyers say employers should review letters of offer that refer to company policy manuals, after a Federal Court full bench found that a redundant worker's employment contract incorporated a redundancy agreement between the company and the printing union.

Costa stays, for now

NSW Labor Council secretary Michael Costa has decided to delay his move to the NSW Parliament.

Remote housing not part of remuneration: bench

Housing in a remote location cannot be counted as part of an employee's remuneration - because there is no market in such areas to provide a proper valuation, according to an IRC full bench.