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CFMEU snubs Cole OHS conference

In a blow to the Cole Royal Commission's bid to bring construction industry stakeholders together this week to improve OHS, the CFMEU has decided not to attend.

Investment bankers lose unfair contracts case

In a significant win for Macquarie Bank, two of its former Asia-based employees have lost a multi-million unfair contracts case they launched five years ago.

Transfer of workers requires consent: Court

In a decision that protects workers' entitlements when corporates restructure, the Federal Court has found that employees at troubled fashion label, Coogi, were still employed by the primary enterprise when it folded because their transfer to shelf companies was not effective.

Battle heats up over maternity pay costings

The battle over paid maternity leave intensified yesterday, with Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward telling a Sydney business audience the entitlement was "dirt cheap" at $350m a year, while Finance Minister Nick Minchin said the $415m to $780m cost would be a "major new burden on taxpayers".

Attending IRC requires payment, rules IRC

An employer that failed to pay one of its workers for a day that he appeared in the Commission has been ordered to reimburse him and amend his attendance record.

KFC workers secure new three-year deal

More than 12,000 workers at KFC and Taco Bell retail outlets have won a $44-a-week pay rise and improved unpaid maternity leave entitlements under two identical enterprise agreements certified in the IRC today.

IRC rejects claims for severance for casuals

The AMWU has failed in its ambitious bid to win severance payments for casual labour hire employees working on ADI's Minehunter project, in a decision which the AiG says punches a major hole in the ACTU's coming test case claim for redundancy entitlements for casuals.