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291 articles are classified in All Articles > Awards > Modernisation/reviews

Award changes better way to get wages moving: Woolies

Woolworths has called for the Albanese Government to initiate an urgent "proactive review" of the retail award, arguing it would produce better outcomes for their predominantly female workforce than a shift to multi-employer bargaining.

Ross fires back over award "complexity"

A FWC full bench has marked the conclusion of the eight-year-long review of modern awards by seeking to rebut persistent claims that they are too complex for employers, observing that while "unpacking" clauses might add to their length, it has also provided greater clarity.

PC warns against constraining gig business model

The Productivity Commission has warned against "shoehorning" gig economy platform work into other employment categories, arguing it could jeopardise their benefits for consumers and workers.

FWC inclined to axe 10-year-old "ad hoc" holiday schedules

A FWC full bench has concluded that part-day public holidays schedules rapidly inserted into more than 100 awards a decade ago serve no practical purpose, giving parties until October 21 to argue why they should not be deleted.

FWC to address concerns about awards' super clauses

The FWC will review superannuation clauses in more than 100 awards over concerns that they could conflict with last year's legislative changes to "stapled" funds and underperforming products.

Plain English awards makeover almost complete: Bench

With the finish line in sight for the FWC's seven-year "plain language" transformation of its 120-plus modern awards, a full bench says the process is nevertheless an "ongoing exercise" and parties can seek at any time to address ambiguities and uncertainties in the instruments.

Delivery platforms embrace minimum standards, with caveats

Platform companies Deliveroo, Menulog and Uber say they are embracing the Federal Government's consultations on the introduction of national minimum IR standards for the gig economy, but insist any changes must be tailor-made and leave room for choice.

Aged care work significantly undervalued: Canberra

The Albanese Government has told the FWC it backs a minimum pay rise for the 365,000 aged care workers because their work value "is significantly higher than modern awards currently reflect" and "gender-based assumptions" have undervalued their labour.

Labor to legislate ASAP for 10 days FDV in NES: Burke

The Albanese Labor Government has confirmed today that it will legislate "as soon as possible" to incorporate 10 days' paid family and domestic violence leave into the National Employment Standards.