Anti-strike orders page 14 of 17

164 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Anti-strike orders

FWC issues "national security" reasons ahead of hearing

The FWC in reasons for issuing a temporary "national security" anti-strike order on the weekend, has rejected the CPSU's argument that the tribunal has no power to make interim orders and should have expedited a full hearing of the matter.

New shipping flashpoint over CSL vessel

More disputes are brewing over plans to replace Australian seafarers on coastal trading ships with cheaper overseas vessels and crew.

Boral entitled to present evidence on the extent of its losses

Boral Resources has had an early win in its court battle with the CFMEU over damages caused by concrete bans, with the Victorian Supreme Court overruling objections from the union, and allowing the company to plead a wide range of evidence on the losses it suffered.

MUA and Hutchison in talks over midnight sackings

Hutchison and the MUA are today discussing a resolution of the ongoing dispute over the late night sacking of 97 Port Botany and Brisbane stevedoring workers via email and text message.

Hutchison's consultation inadequate, MUA claims

The MUA told an interlocutory hearing in Brisbane today that stevedore Hutchison should reinstate 97 workers from its Port Botany and Brisbane container terminals, because the company had breached its agreement when it engaged in tokenistic rather than substantive consultation with its workforce.