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2001 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

Late second medical opinion no basis for overturning sacking: FWC

In upholding the dismissal on medical grounds of a prison officer who was later declared fit, the FWC has noted his union gained permission to obtain a second opinion but also assisted him in making an ill-fated decision not to pursue it until after his termination.

Government's "attack dog" puts bite on employers

Two days after being labelled the Turnbull Government's "beloved political attack dog" upon receiving an $8.1 million fillip in the Budget, the Registered Organisations Commission has confirmed two inquiries into financial reporting irregularities by employer bodies.

'Comic' employment contracts won't save the day...yet

So-called 'comic' employment contracts replacing dense legalese with images have been coolly received by both the peak employer and employee bodies, each expressing a preference for the power of words when it comes to interpretation and enforcement.

Catholic schools strike averted as new deal embeds arbitration rights

The IEU is recommending NSW and ACT Catholic school teachers and support workers vote "yes" to a revised deal breaking an extended deadlock over guaranteed access to FWC arbitration, while employers have committed to making a second back-payment to the start of the year.

Alleged lawlessness no design of "fairly administrative" leader: Union

One of the CFMMEU's most pugnacious leaders has been described before the FWC as performing a "fairly administrative sort of role" as the union fends off ABCC arguments his entry permit shouldn't be renewed on the basis that he oversees a culture of lawlessness.

FSU shaping for election battle

An FSU election that opens later this month looks likely to be heavily contested, with the AEC verifying the nominations of would-be challengers in the first ballot since national secretary Julia Angrisano replaced Fiona Jordan in the wake of a bitter brawl with the executive.

Technology won't protect gig workers from themselves: Airtasker

One year into a landmark agreement between Airtasker and Unions NSW to improve pay and conditions, the company's chief executive Tim Fung has told a Senate inquiry the platform's technology is not up to the task of ensuring adherence to minimum pay and licensing requirements.

IR landscape "too aggressive", says union leader

The union at the centre of AFP raids conducted on behalf of the Registered Organisations Commission has today warned business leaders that they risk creating a more disruptive and "brutal" IR future for Australia if they continue to employ "hyper-aggressive" strategies aimed at eviscerating organised labour.