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1997 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

AWU claims turnaround, but ROC losing patience

The AWU claims to have arrested its membership losses, with a new back-office system recording a "modest" increase in numbers, but the ROC is growing impatient, accusing the union of lacking urgency and transparency in rectifying its reporting after it first raised issues about inaccurate data more than two-and-a-half years ago.

Stopworks not unlawful industrial action: Full Court

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that agreement-sanctioned union stopwork meetings can be freely used to delay and disrupt business as part of a campaign strategy, but has increased fines for the CFMMEU's coercion of head contractor Hutchison by almost 30%.

Fast ferry captains' dispute bound for FWC

The CFMMEU's maritime division and the NRMA-owned operator of Sydney's Manly Fast Ferry service are expected to face off in the FWC this afternoon over planned stoppages that could start tomorrow, after talks this morning failed to resolve a bargaining impasse.

Union seeking interim reinstatement of workplace activist

The Federal Court will this afternoon hear an RTBU bid for an interim injunction to reinstate a delegate it says has been unlawfully sacked by the private operator of Sydney's newest rail line because he helped it to prepare for a majority support determination application.

Telstra makes bad call on strike language

The FWC has rejected as "pedantic and technical" an attempt by Telstra to block industrial action it claimed was inconsistent with that endorsed by CEPU members.

Bans unlawful, but parties to thrash out "bewildering" damages claim

Faced with a "byzantine" and bewilderingly complex bid to recoup millions of dollars in damages, the Federal Court has found the CFMMEU organised unlawful bans at the Port Botany container terminal in 2017 but suggested further mediation on relief to take a load off public resources.

Conditional bonus might amount to adverse action: Unions

Aviation unions are threatening to run an adverse action case against Qantas for making the payment of a $2000 cash bonus conditional on securing new post-wage-freeze enterprise agreements.

Deputy seeking to topple Together Queensland leader

After 17 years as leader of Together Queensland and its predecessor the QPSU, Alex Scott is facing a challenge from his deputy Irene Monro, who along with a former deputy has been seeking answers as to why some employees' and officials' emails had allegedly been systematically monitored by the union before and after a 2015 merger.