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1997 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

Wipe-out for Kimberly-Clark PABO application

The FWC has given short shrift to union applications for a protected action ballot at Kimberly-Clark Australia, finding a cancelled meeting and a week's delay in securing a new date cannot be construed as being obstructive.

"High level" of trust between ROC and unions: Bielecki

As union calls for the ROC's abolition have intensified in the wake of its raids on AWU offices, the watchdog's leadership maintains that behind the scenes there is increasing collaboration over a shared quest to protect members' interests.

Ombudsman renews bid for big fine against MUA

The FWO has launched a challenge to last month's Federal Court order for the MUA to pay a $38,000 fine for a single contravention of the prohibition on unlawful strikes, when the watchdog was seeking $3.6 million for what it says was more than 500 breaches during industrial action against stevedore Hutchison Ports.

Newly-pragmatic Rio sees the sense in union relationships: CFMMEU

Global resources giant Rio Tinto, after its recent rapprochement with unions, is "the largest and most comprehensive example" of why it makes sense to bargain with employees' representatives, according to mining union leader Tony Maher.

Scrap dismissal compensation cap, "punish" errant employers: ACTU

Unions will next week consider pushing for stronger remedies for unfair dismissal by adopting measures such as removing the $73,000 compensation limit, enabling employees to pursue more than their lost income and empowering them to seek penalties against employers.

New leadership for AWU in Queensland

The AWU's Queensland branch will soon have a new secretary to drive its efforts to rebuild its ailing membership and finances.

Unions seeking to axe pre-strike ballots

Protected action should be available to workers without the need for a secret ballot, according to the draft IR policy to be put to the ACTU's triennial Congress next week.

Commissioner wrong in assuming tribunal "predisposition": Bench

An order requiring the NTEU to give a university more than the statutory three days' notice of protected industrial action has been quashed by an FWC full bench that found a tribunal member wrongly presupposed that any such action would be suspended by the Commission if it interfered with student exams or graduation.

Organiser visits must not stray outside work hours: Bench

In a significant decision on entry rights, a Federal Court full bench has confirmed today that a permit holder's right to hold discussions with union members or potential members during "breaks" does not include the period before and after their shifts.