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Don't rule out reducing minimum wage: ACCI

Employers have told the annual wage review panel that if the coronavirus pandemic worsens, it might have to consider measures similar to the 10% depression-era reduction in award rates or the GFC minimum wage pause.

Fast turnaround looming for latest coronavirus award change

The FWC has expedited the hearing of the restaurant industry's bid to vary its award to boost hours and leave flexibility as it shifts to a COVID-19 business model based on takeaways and home delivery.

COVID-19 variations impel new take on safety net: Employers

The coronavirus pandemic requires a temporary but fundamental reconsideration of the Fair Work Act's safety net, according to a joint bid to vary a key award to provide substantial operational and hours flexibility.

AiG and ACTU to seek rapid COVID-19 award changes

The Australian Industry Group is working with the ACTU to fast-track changes to key awards to increase the flexibility of working hours and leave in response to the coronavirus crisis.

COVID-19 spurs union-employer bid for award flexibility

FWC President Iain Ross will this afternoon hear a joint application by the UWU and the Australian Hotels Association to vary the hospitality award 2010 to help businesses to save jobs as the coronavirus crisis bites.

AiG seeks coronavirus-driven minimum wage rise delay

The "exceptional circumstances" created by COVID-19 warrant delaying the operative date of any minimum wage increase by a fortnight to July 15, according to the Ai Group, while the Victorian Government is calling for a rise of at least 3%.

Vale Bryan Noakes

One of Australia’s leading employer advocates both nationally and internationally, Bryan Noakes, died on Tuesday at the age of 89 after years of ill-health.

ROC ends pursuit of NUW NSW branch

The ROC has decided it is not in the public interest to seek penalties against the NUW's NSW branch, despite an 18-month investigation finding its entire management committee probably breached the Registered Organisations Act by failing to properly oversee branch expenditure.