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FWC proposes hearing date for CFMEU merger

Time is running out for the Turnbull Government to pass its Bill to impose a public interest test on union mergers before the FWC considers green-lighting the CFMEU, MUA and TCFU amalgamation, with the tribunal planning to conduct a hearing in early February.

Court freezes seized AWU documents

The Federal Court has today made a consent order under which the AFP will not pass on documents seized in Tuesday's raids on the AWU, and the Registered Organisations Commission will not accept them, until the union's bid to stop the investigation of the matter has been heard.

AFP to investigate AWU raid leaks

The AFP has launched a formal investigation into the leaking of information about its raids on the AWU.

Leader pulls court action against his union

Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth has withdrawn a court case against his union after it agreed to provide an opportunity for him to respond to "questions" and appoint former Unions NSW secretary Mark Lennon to investigate any subsequent allegations.

Employers say litigation against CFMEU stymies merger

Two employer groups have flagged that they will argue that the CFMEU's merger with two other unions cannot proceed because the former's construction division has a large amount of outstanding legal action against it.

ROC amends case against TWU after disk discovery

The ROC has updated its Federal Court claims against the TWU after the union found a back-up of its Queensland membership database it said was lost when the outgoing state secretary made all the branch's employees redundant in 2010, but the watchdog says it lacks vital information about who could vote.