Leadership/officeholders and liability page 22 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

Oliver resigns as ACTU secretary

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver has made a surprise announcement that he is stepping down, effective immediately.

HSU's Jackson to face committal hearing

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson will face a four-week committal hearing later this year on 70 charges of theft and deception.

FWC issues entry permit to MUA's Cain

The FWC has granted MUA WA branch secretary Chris Cain a new entry permit but has warned that any breaches would undermine his credibility, making it "extraordinarily difficult" for him to continue to be deemed a "fit and proper" person.

Rebuff for ABCC bid to hold union leader responsible

The ABCC has failed in an attempt to convince a full Federal Court to deny CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar an entry permit because of his responsibility for the union's "culture of wilful disobedience".

FWC GM's probe targets former AWU leader

The Fair Work Commission's new investigation into the AWU's Victorian branch and its former secretary, Cesar Melhem, will extend to the notorious Cleanevent enterprise agreement.

Businessman accuses Shorten and ASIC of conspiracy

A businessman who is accusing Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten of conspiring with corporate regulator ASIC while he was the AWU's Victorian branch secretary to stop a company takeover has failed to convince a Supreme Court judge that he should recuse himself.

FWC to assess whether Heydon inquiry evidence admissible

The FWC is set to consider whether the NUW can rely on evidence provided to the Heydon Royal Commission to defend an unfair dismissal claim from the brother of former NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan.

Setka fails to derail blackmail case

The Melbourne Magistrates Court has rejected an application to halt the committal hearings for blackmail charges against Victorian CFMEU leaders John Setka and Shaun Reardon.