Leadership/officeholders and liability page 23 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

HSU's Jackson bailed, gives up passport

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has given up her passport and must continue to reside in her Wombarra home near Sydney after appearing today in Melbourne Magistrates' Court.

Police charge HSU's Jackson

Victorian police have charged former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson over financial dealings during her time at the union.

FWC won't pursue former CFMEU NSW leaders

The Fair Work Commission will take no further action on a referral from the Heydon Royal Commission concerning ex-CFMEU construction and general division NSW branch secretary Andrew Ferguson and another former official.

TWU and state secretary agree to part ways "amicably"

The NSW branch of the TWU has announced the resignation this week of branch secretary Michael Aird, who last month launched NSW IRC proceedings to ensure harassment allegations against him were investigated fairly and transparently by the union.

CFMEU accuses FWBC of smear campaign

The CFMEU has accused the FWBC of allowing a quest to "demonise" it get in the way of proper court processes following the watchdog's announcement that it has filed action against the union over alleged abuse of Gorgon LNG project workers.

CFMEU offices raided by ACCC

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission yesterday raided the offices of the ACT branch of the CFMEU, in an apparent sequel to the Heydon Royal Commission.