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ACTU to step up TV advertising campaign against Work Choices laws

Unions will step up their multi-million dollar television campaign against the Work Choices laws in the lead up to next year's federal election, with the launch today of a CFMEU advertisement highlighting the coercive powers of the BCII Act.

Unions endorse national IR system, relying on corporations power

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has acknowledged the apprehension some union delegates feel about the peak council's new IR policy - unanimously endorsed this morning - which relies heavily on the corporations power and weakens the role of the state systems.

Support from state unions for national system

A proposed IR policy that provides for a default national IR system, but gives parties the chance to opt in to state systems, is set to be voted up today at the ACTU's triennial Congress after state union peak bodies today indicated it had their support.

Beazley backs national IR system

Opposition Leader Kim Beazley today pledged federal Labor's support for a national IR system, promised to abolish employer greenfields agreements, and released details of a union-friendly collective bargaining policy at the ACTU 's triennial national Congress that began in Melbourne this morning.

ABS survey shows 100,000 working mothers receiving paid maternity leave

More than a third of working mothers with leave entitlements use paid maternity leave, while more than one in five pregnant workers experience inappropriate comments or miss out on training or promotion opportunities, according to new ABS data released today.

Culture and conduct change emerging in construction: ABCC

The ABCC claims evidence of both cultural and conduct change is emerging in the building and construction industry, but has expressed disappointment with the attitude of unions and said some contractor companies also seemed reluctant to accept that new industry practices were required.