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Transport gig model could be broader template: Peetz

A special panel, similar to that proposed for the road transport industry, could be established within the FWC to set minimum pay and conditions for gig workers in disability, aged and home care, a leading IR academic has told a parliamentary inquiry.

Pandemic no "stalking horse" to undermine rights: Court

In a detailed examination of a major government department's early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Court has rejected union claims that a hastily-conceived working from home policy breached existing arrangements and consultation requirements.

FSU fails to extinguish case against union, leader

A court has declined to take the "extreme" step of throwing out a general protections case with a "long and troubled history" brought by a former FSU employee against the union, its national secretary and a state leader.

Appeal court upholds restraints against Employsure executive

An appeal court has rejected a former Employsure senior manager's challenge to an injunction stopping him from using knowledge acquired at the IR advisory business with a competitor, but a colleague "induced" to follow him has overturned his own restraint.

Harassment sacking not a case of "social origin" bias: Court

A court has tossed out a former accountant's novel claim that Bunnings' decision to dismiss him after discovering he had s-xually harassed a supervisor at a different job more than a decade earlier amounted to discrimination on the basis of "social origin".

Catholic school teachers join public system pay stoush

The NSW IRC is letting the IEU intervene in a State Government award application for public school teachers and make submissions alongside the NSW Teachers Federation, as the union pledges to leave "no doubt" it will reject locked-in low pay rises in Catholic schools.

FWC tweaks deal designed to address "industrial risk"

The FWC has resisted union objections to approval of a coal mining deal, accepting an undertaking that the employer would convert a "significant majority" of casual workers to full-time if it wins a tender at a BHP subsidiary.

Firefighter reinstated after refusal to provide vax proof

The FWC has reinstated a firefighter who refused to provide proof of his COVID-19 vaccination status while on leave, observing that his employer failed to properly read a response indicating he was inoculated before taking a "well-worn disciplinary path" towards dismissal.

Isolating workers' differing deductions "unfair": FWC

The FWC has held that resource giant South32 unfairly treated some workers it directed to isolate and get tested after identifying them as COVID-19 contacts, ordering it to recredit annual leave, deduct sick leave and pay them for other times as though they were at work.

FWC asked to ignite slow-burning BHP negotiations

The CFMMEU's mining division has asked the FWC to intervene after almost two years of fruitless bargaining for enterprise agreements covering internal labour hire companies run by BHP's Operations Services.