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225 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Casual

Sacking upheld despite "deficient" psych test process

The FWC has called on South Australia to re-examine psychometric testing protocols for workers in child residential care facilities, after upholding the sacking of a youth worker deemed "psychologically unsuitable" but finding the testing process deficient.

Employers reel from casuals ruling, as expert extols conversion

The Morrison Government has flagged potential legislative change as the full Federal Court's Rossato ruling sends "shockwaves" among employers, while an academic says it is untenable for casuals to receive both loading and leave entitlements.

McDonald's granted award flexibility to help "weather storm"

More than 200,000 award-covered fast food industry workers face temporary cuts to part-time hours and reduced overtime penalties under fiercely-contested, pandemic-related changes approved by an FWC full bench.

One Key class action to test vulnerable worker provisions

The law firm behind a multi-million-dollar class action against labour hire provider One Key Resources and One Key Holdings says it will test the ability of vulnerable workers legislation to hold parent companies to account.

Senior member fumbled Hungry Jack's deal: Bench

An FWC full bench has finally approved Hungry Jack's' 2019 national agreement a year after it won overwhelming support, delivering a withering assessment of a tribunal member's handling of a matter that "went badly astray".

Casual's 100-day-late general protections claim to proceed

A casual worker has won an extension of more than 100 days to file a general protections claim after the Federal Circuit Court found he reasonably acted on incorrect FWO advice and filed his claim in the wrong court.

Full court upholds "insubordinate" lawyer's sacking

A full Federal Court has upheld the dismissal of a senior lawyer who publicly criticised government clients of his firm, finding that repeatedly disobeying reasonable directions to desist trumped his right to express a political opinion.

Worker offered free legal advice in tribunal balancing act

A senior tribunal member has taken the rare step of steering an unfair dismissal claimant towards the FWC's free legal advice service as a means of counterbalancing any "potential prejudice" arising from his decision to allow an employer to be represented.

Pink hair and s-xual objectification didn't justify sacking

The FWC has held that a service station operator "set about" dismissing a worker after she filed a compensation claim, unfairly sacking her over her pink hair, s-xual objectification of a male customer and derogatory comments, despite having some valid reasons.

HR manager "ambushed" worker at disciplinary meeting: FWC

The FWC has taken a disability care provider to task over the process followed in dismissing one of its workers, finding she was "summonsed" by its HR manager "to participate in an ambush of her employment".