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Chevron facing stoppages next week

The Offshore Alliance and the ETU have notified Chevron that it will hit its Gorgon and Wheatstone LNG facilities with rolling stoppages and work bans from next Thursday, with the unions deriding its decision to put an unsupported deal to a vote tomorrow.

Unions don't need to telegraph strike plans: FWC

Failing to alert an employer to strike plans does not amount to a failure to genuinely try to reach an agreement, the FWC has ruled in rejecting a company's bid to block a protected action ballot.

Bench refuses to put zombie deal on life support

An employer touting the "happy work-life balance" and above-award earning opportunities facilitated by its zombie deal has failed to save it from December's drop dead date after a FWC full bench found its incentives are "discretionary" and not incorporated into the agreement.

FSU wins $3 million for CommBank's tea break "fiasco"

The FSU says Commonwealth Bank retail workers forced to work through their 10-minute tea breaks for the past six years will be compensated, after it won a $3 million settlement of its $45 million Federal Court claim.

FWC backs Coke's driver speed-checking regime

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a Coca Cola regional technician who deliberately set the cruise control on his work van above the speed limit and repeatedly overshot it by up to 18km, rejecting claims about the alleged inaccuracy of the employer's monitoring technology.

Voting on related company's deal a "fundamental" error: FWC

The FWC has declined to approve an agreement made by a group of workers from a related company ahead of them being transferred across to the entity that was to be covered by the deal, rejecting the employer's contention that it was a minor procedural or technical error.

Rentokil workers reinstated after FWC finds bug in process

In a decision highlighting the importance of clear policies and adequate investigations, the FWC has ordered Rentokil to reinstate three sales workers summarily sacked for sharing their commissions after finding it a longstanding practice.

Gas strike threat grows ahead of crucial bargaining meeting

The Offshore Alliance and the ETU say they will hit Woodside's North West Shelf gas platforms with industrial action as early as Saturday if a bargaining meeting this week disappoints workers, as the threat of broader strikes loom.