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Private sector wage growth hits new sub-2% low

Growth in rates of pay excluding bonuses are now firmly below 2% for the first time since the ABS began compiling the Wage Price Index nearly 20 years ago.

Weakest CPI in 17 years ahead of FWC wages review

A leading economist has warned Australia is in a "self-fulfilling cycle" of low productivity and wages growth after today's CPI figures showed year-on-year inflation almost flatlining at just 1%.

Productivity, hours and labour costs rising: ABS

Productivity, hours worked and real unit labour costs increased markedly in the year to March, while the wages share of the economy increased to a 12-year high, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

Private sector pay growth now below 2%

Annual growth in rates of pay excluding bonuses in the private sector has dropped to a new record low of just 1.9% in trend terms, according to the ABS.

Private sector pay growth drops to 2%

The 2% rise in private sector rates of pay last year is the lowest in the almost 20 years of the Wage Price Index, according to the ABS.

Cash lifts public sector wage cap to 2%

The federal government is seeking to break a bargaining impasse in the federal public sector by increasing its wages cap to 2% a year.

New low for private sector pay growth

Hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses in the private sector are increasing at a record low of 2.2% a year in trend terms, according to the ABS Wage Price Index, released today.