Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 102 of 203

2027 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Give health workers paid leave whenever needed: ACTU

The FWC will consider an ACTU push for frontline health workers to have access to paid leave on multiple occasions if they are required to self-isolate due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Sleazy" Qantas engineer's sacking justified: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a veteran Qantas engineer who slapped a flight attendant on the bottom and said he caused a mechanical issue so he could ask her out, rejecting his claim assault allegations should have required a higher burden of proof.

Recycling COVID-affected vote not "capricious": FWC

Baiada workers have voted to accept the same deal they rejected a month ago, after the FWC dismissed a union bid for bargaining orders to return the chicken giant to COVID-affected negotiations.

Porter outlines more details of JobKeeper changes to Act

The JobKeeper legislation will amend the Fair Work Act to enable qualifying employers to lawfully change workers' hours, duties, days and location, while empowering the FWC to adjudicate disputes, IR Minister Christian Porter said today.

COVID-19 redundancies didn't follow script: FWC

In the first significant pandemic-related dispute over mass lay-offs to come before the FWC, the Federal Court's transcription service provider has been criticised for making "hollow" consultation promises and reminded to treat workers "with dignity in this time of crisis".

ACTU-Government deal clears way for JobKeeper

Federal Parliament is set to pass the Morrison Government's $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy tomorrow after changes agreed last night between IR Minister Christian Porter and ACTU secretary Sally McManus.

Wage panel extends timeline to consider COVID-19 impacts

The FWC's minimum pay panel has extended the annual wage review timetable so it can factor the latest national accounts data into assessing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, but is yet to decide whether "exceptional circumstances" warrant a delay in the operative date.

Unions digging in against JobKeeper changes to Act

The ACTU is pressing crossbenchers to oppose the Morrison Government's proposal to amend the Fair Work Act to temporarily provide more flexibility in awards and agreements to deal with the coronavirus crisis when it legislates the JobKeeper wage subsidy program this week.