Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 105 of 204

2036 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Transferable redeployment terms protect supply chain jobs

The FWC has moved quickly to endorse coronavirus redeployment measures agreed between the UWU and DHL Supply Chain, enabling employees to maintain their terms and conditions while temporarily working in other industry sectors.

Bench quashes compensation for "intentionally deviant" mineworker

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate an "intentionally deviant" mineworker, finding a tribunal member wrongly focussed on a BHP subsidiary's perceived failure to follow its Fair Play disciplinary guidelines.

Bench queries advice in "hopeless" case

An FWC full bench has taken aim at the legal advice given to a group of Coles distribution centre workers who over the course of four years and four adverse findings continued to pursue what ultimately became a "hopeless" case related to their work duties.

COVID-19 spurs union-employer bid for award flexibility

FWC President Iain Ross will this afternoon hear a joint application by the UWU and the Australian Hotels Association to vary the hospitality award 2010 to help businesses to save jobs as the coronavirus crisis bites.

RTBU wins approval to represent privatised drivers

The FWC has granted the RTBU a rule change allowing it to continue representing members transferred to privatised bus services in Sydney and Newcastle, but it has rejected proposals to extend eligibility to new drivers.

Hungry Jack's approach to deal tough to swallow: FWC

The FWC has lambasted Hungry Jack's for wasting the tribunal's time and resources, causing it to wrongly approve a national deal that was not filed or signed by the actual employer.

AiG seeks coronavirus-driven minimum wage rise delay

The "exceptional circumstances" created by COVID-19 warrant delaying the operative date of any minimum wage increase by a fortnight to July 15, according to the Ai Group, while the Victorian Government is calling for a rise of at least 3%.

Full bench recusal advice not sticking

Another FWC member has rejected full bench advice that they should, in the face of objections, withdraw from arbitrating disputes they have previously conciliated, dismissing claims she displayed "antipathy" towards the union seeking her recusal.

Bench rejects Esso's renewed bid to axe 9-year-old deal

An FWC full bench has rejected Esso Australia's renewed attempt to terminate the enterprise agreement for its Bass Strait oil and gas operations, in what represents the latest turn in a bargaining dispute stretching back to 2015.