Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 14 of 204

2035 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Traffic control deal does not pass go: FWC

An employer has failed to win approval for a deal that introduces a "new entrant" category paying construction workers who become traffic controllers 6% below their award rate while denying them an industry allowance, with the FWC unmoved by its argument that they need more supervision.

Business sale restarts casual conversion clock: FWC

The FWC has held that it cannot deal with a worker's casual conversion dispute as the recent sale of the business she works for has restarted the clock on her requirement to complete 12 months' service with her current employer.

Supervisor given some "latitude" in bullying case

In a decision delving deeply into the statutory definition of bullying, a senior FWC member has observed that allowances should be made for "some degree of exasperation or tension" between managers and those they supervise.

Ticker troubles explain tardy application: FWC

The FWC has waved through a former company director's late unfair dismissal claim after accepting evidence that the deadline fell on the same day as her treatment for a heart condition allegedly exacerbated by her ex-husband "vengefully terminating" her employment.

Severe mental health issues mean no double-dipping: FWC

A worker who lodged a general protections claim after the FWC discontinued their unfair dismissal application has not offended the Fair Work Act's anti-double dipping provisions after the onset of a severe mental health condition left them unable to pursue their initial challenge, the tribunal has held.

Unvaccinated worker awarded $55K compensation

The FWC has rejected an employer's argument that commissions should not be included in calculating compensation for an account manager found to have been unfairly sacked after refusing to get a COVID-19 jab.

Holiday trade-off should not be scrapped without bargaining: FWC

An employer seeking to be covered by an existing agreement could potentially "operate in a better way" if a clause granting five days leave in return for working on three public holidays is removed, but the FWC has found the change would deny employees the chance to use the entitlement as a bargaining chip.

Chef's adverse action claim back on menu

A FIFO chef's one-day-late adverse action application can proceed after the FWC accepted that he did not realise he filed 12 blank pages in support of his claim.

Proposed union looking to "undermine" collective power: QCU

A former One Nation and LNP Queensland MP is an officeholder in a "Pro Choice Union" applying for registration federally and in Queensland after leading a campaign to avoid COVID-19 vaccinations, with the FWC providing 35 days to lodge objections and the QIRC closing them off tomorrow.

Late application to proceed after IR consultant's email fail

The FWC has found an IR consultant's failure to check his emails after business hours on a Friday or the following Monday wholly to blame for a day-late unfair dismissal claim, extending time for his client to argue it unfairly retrenched her after she converted to casual employment.