Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 150 of 204

2035 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Rare ruling on business transfer arrangements favours new employer

In a significant addition to the jurisprudence around "arrangements" between transferring businesses, the FWC has rejected union arguments that the urgent use of an old employer's pathology equipment after a midnight handover should lead to continuing employees being retained on their existing, more generous enterprise agreement.

Late second medical opinion no basis for overturning sacking: FWC

In upholding the dismissal on medical grounds of a prison officer who was later declared fit, the FWC has noted his union gained permission to obtain a second opinion but also assisted him in making an ill-fated decision not to pursue it until after his termination.

Alleged lawlessness no design of "fairly administrative" leader: Union

One of the CFMMEU's most pugnacious leaders has been described before the FWC as performing a "fairly administrative sort of role" as the union fends off ABCC arguments his entry permit shouldn't be renewed on the basis that he oversees a culture of lawlessness.

Casuals get more flexibility; Wages "stable": RBA; & more

Provisional award clause grants more flexibility to casuals; Wages growth stuck in slow lane, says RBA; HR manager not unfairly sacked for complaints to CEO: Court; Inequality on rise as technology advances, says IMF.

"Lying thief" employee was a scapegoat: FWC

An administration manager sacked for being a "lying thief" has been awarded compensation of more than $13,000 after the FWC found instead that she had likely been made a scapegoat for a business's alleged attempt to commit insurance fraud.

No joy for chief executive "bullied" over bullying investigation

A major medical practice's former chief executive has had his application for a bullying order against two doctor-directors thrown out by the FWC, which observed that "short of storming the barricades" he had no prospect of ever meeting the threshold requirement of returning to his job.

ACTU withdraws to sidelines as unions quarrel over rule change

The fate of a hotly-contested Australian Federation of Air Pilots membership rule change bid is up in the air as the FWC considers whether a sufficient majority of the union's council members voted for it, while the ACTU has withdrawn its own objections after the tribunal questioned its standing.

Ballot open on new Aerocare deal as unions cry foul

Aerocare's 2500 workers today began voting on a new offer by the aviation ground-handler that seeks to cut through a thicket of litigation and hurdle strong opposition from the TWU and ASU.