Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 161 of 203

2026 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

FWC upholds sacking for uranium mine safety breach

The FWC has accepted that BHP Billiton's sacking of a worker who raised his safety visor to get a better look at an exploding smelter at a uranium mine was justified but harsh, stopping short of reinstatement, though, because of the company's "rational" loss of trust and confidence in him.

FWC approves "super-union" ballot

MUA and TCFU members will vote on their unions' merger with the CFMEU in a ballot that will close in late November, after a ruling by the FWC today.

Bench referral would cause "unnecessary delay" to teachers' deal: FWC

Catholic school employers have failed to convince the FWC to refer to a full bench its challenge to the right of NSW and ACT teachers to take protected action on the basis their dioceses are not "single interest employers" as required by the Fair Work Act.

40+ employees "warrants" two HR roles, says FWC

An FWC member has observed that a business with more than 40 employees "is large enough to warrant a HR manager and a HR officer" in a case where an employer sought leave to challenge its own HR manager's recollection of events.

FWC wage bench asks for views on living costs

The FWC's minimum wage panel is seeking submissions by next Friday on whether to hold a preliminary hearing into new "budget standards" research that establishes the income required for a healthy lifestyle, updated for changes in household expenses since the development of the original benchmark in the mid-1990s.

Reprieve for workers who rejected code-friendly changes

The FWC has approved a new code-compliant enterprise agreement between the CFMEU and a key Boral concreting subsidiary that provides a right for casuals to request permanency after six weeks.

Legal centre manager reinstated after "capricious" ouster campaign

The long-serving 65-year-old manager of one of the country's largest non-profit community legal centres has won her job back, with a 20% pay hike, after the FWC found the organisation's management committee deliberately designed a restructuring process to scuttle her candidacy.