Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 99 of 203

2027 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Qantas seeks clamp on FWC arbitrating engineer dispute

Qantas and Jetstar are seeking a Federal Court injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute over the stand-down of hundreds of licenced aircraft maintenance engineers, plus declarations that it was outside their control.

First Jobkeeper dispute decision goes against employee

A stood down part-time employee receiving double her usual wage on the JobKeeper scheme unreasonably refused a request to use up one day's annual leave each week over 16 weeks, the FWC has found.

Senior FWC member attracts more heat as BHP deals quashed

An FWC full bench will rehear BHP Billiton applications to approve two hotly-contested in-house labour hire deals after expressing concern, for the second time in a month, at the way a senior tribunal member handled a matter.

COVID-19 drives unfair dismissal "surge": FWC President

The FWC has asked the Federal Government for extra resources to deal with a coronavirus-driven "surge" in unfair dismissal claims, according to the tribunal's president, who also expects the pandemic will bring about a permanent change in the organisation's operations, with many members and staff to continue working from home.

HR manager's vote helps cruel deal's termination

The FWC has dismissed a company's application to terminate its nominally-expired agreement after discovering that its HR manager was among a group of ineligible employees who voted up the proposal.

FWC asks who'd foot the bill for pandemic allowance

An FWC full bench has asked the Morrison Government whether it will boost funding to compensate employers if it grants a contested $5-an-hour COVID-19 allowance claim for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients.

IR advisor to wear costs for "reckless" oversights

The FWC has made a rare costs order against an IR advisor, after Unfair Dismissals Australia's "reckless" failure to provide an employer with supplementary witness statements forced hearings into an unscheduled fourth day.

Push-back over proposed COVID-19 award changes

RAFFWU is moving quickly to object to expedited employer-proposed, ACTU-supported COVID-19 variations to the Fast Food Award, applying to businesses not qualifying for the JobKeeper scheme and workers who fall through the cracks.