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PC seeks criteria to assess competitiveness of superannuation system

The Productivity Commission is calling for submissions on the criteria it should use for assessing the efficiency and competitiveness of the superannuation system and its ability to deliver the best results for fund members and retirees.

ABCC Bill to be debated in Budget sitting: Cash

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash says that legislation to re-establish the ABCC will return to the Senate at the earliest opportunity during the May Budget sitting.

Lawler's conduct "undignified", far below expectations: Heerey

Former Fair Work Commission Vice-President Michael Lawler's conduct on the ABC's Four Corners program was "far below" what the public was entitled to expect from somebody in his position, according to the silk who investigated his conduct.

Lawler's conduct grounds for his removal: Heerey

The conduct of former senior Fair Work Commission member Michael Lawler provides a reasonable basis to ask the Governor-General to remove him on the grounds of proven misbehaviour, according to a report tabled in Federal Parliament.

Government seeking input on superannuation's purpose

The primary objective of superannuation is to provide retirement income to "substitute or supplement" the age pension, according to a Government proposal in a new discussion paper.

RSRT to hear stay bid next week

A Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal full bench will next Tuesday hear four separate applications seeking to delay the start-date of the contractor driver minimum payments order and challenging the likelihood of it improving road safety.

FWC's Lawler resigns

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has confirmed this afternoon that FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has resigned.

CPSU to hit airports during pre-Easter rush

Border Force and immigration employees will walk off the job for 24 hours on the eve of Easter and might then maintain rolling stoppages across the holiday period, as the CPSU seeks to pressure the federal government to ease restrictions in its bargaining policy in the wake of Defence employees voting down a proposed deal.