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New FWC member had "intricate" involvement in drafting Act, says AMMA leader

Welcome ceremonies for new FWC members have revealed that one of the new appointees fought so hard for a provision in the Fair Work Act that it was informally named after him, while another told of her "baptism of fire" when she took up her IR legal career with an employer-clientele law firm in the wake of it running the landmark Dollar Sweets case.

Heydon stops short of pushing for CFMEU's deregistration

The Heydon Royal Commission has recommended that the Turnbull Government introduce special legislation to disqualify officers of the CFMEU who are deemed by Parliament to be not to be fit and proper persons, while stopping short of recommending the union's deregistration.

PC pushes for new statutory commission for wages, awards

The Productivity Commission, in its final report on the IR system today, says the FWC should be broken up into two bodies, with the new institution to determine minimum wages and awards.

Four new members for FWC

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash today appointed a former Freehills and Clayton Utz lawyer, an ACCI IR director and two IR managers as members of the FWC, while she extended the term of the tribunal's sole acting commissioner.

Unions open to Turnbull's innovation agenda, says ACTU

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver says that unions are "very receptive" to the Turnbull Government's emphasis on innovation, after the "negativity and conflict" under former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Treasury pushed Morrison to move on labour market flexibility

The Federal Treasury used a "cabinet sensitive" briefing to urge newTreasurer Scott Morrison to boost labour market flexibility, seizing the opportunity presented by the Productivity Commission's review of Australia's workplace system.

Queensland to investigate "rogue" labour hire arrangements

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry will consider licensing and registration of labour hire companies as the state becomes the third jurisdiction to launch investigations into allegations of sham contracting and abuses of visa workers by labour suppliers.