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Cash lifts public sector wage cap to 2%

The federal government is seeking to break a bargaining impasse in the federal public sector by increasing its wages cap to 2% a year.

Crossbenchers back changes to greenfields arrangements

A group of Senate crossbenchers is set to agree on limited changes to the Fair Work Act, including providing a mechanism for breaking bargaining deadlocks on greenfields agreements.

Unions ask new PM to protect penalty rates

The ACTU has fired its first salvo at new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, calling on him to stop the Coalition's "attacks" on conditions such as penalty rates and paid parental leave.

PPL changes will increase complexity and cost for employers: ACCI

Employers are likely to maintain their own paid parental leave schemes even if the Abbott Government's proposed Bill to prevent so-called parent "double-dipping" into government and employer-funded schemes becomes law, according to a key employer group.

Heydon stays, hearings resume tomorrow

Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon has rejected union applications for him to stand down from the inquiry on the grounds of apprehended bias, while acknowledging they could still apply to a court to make such a ruling.