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Jabs in workplace the answer in aged care: ACTU

In the wake of National Cabinet last night agreeing to make COVID-19 inoculations compulsory for residential aged worker, the ACTU says that what "really needs to be mandated is a vaccine team visiting every aged care home".

FWC boosts part-time flexibility in retail award

Retail employers and their part-time employees will be able to agree to extra hours by text message or email, under changes to the industry award that followed a request from the IR minister.

Pay to resume 4% growth in seven years: Treasury

After more than a decade of sub-4% growth in pay, Treasury has projected in its Intergenerational Report, released today, that it will return to that level in 2028 as productivity resumes its long-term growth path of 1.5%.

Government introduces Respect@Work legislative changes

The Morrison Government has today introduced legislation into the Senate that amends the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act to respond to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, which includes two days paid compassionate leave for workers who suffer miscarriages.

Bench airs provisional views on casual terms

The FWC has expressed provisional views ahead of a hearing on Thursday that casual definitions and conversion clauses in some awards clash with the Fair Work Act and National Employment Standards, and that it would be inappropriate to itemise loadings.

Respect@Work legislative changes imminent: Cash

The Morrison Government has confirmed that by the end of the month it will release legislative changes flowing from its Respect@Work response, which will include amendments to the Fair Work Act, while a new Human Rights Commission report released today recommends that company boards take over primary responsibility and accountability from HR and chief executives for preventing sexual harassment.

Cost-containment hampering wages growth: RBA

Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe has today added a new reason to his long list of why employers are not lifting wages - the "laser-like focus on costs" that has become the "predominant mindset" of many businesses.

Urgent need for paid vax leave for care workers: ACTU

ACTU leader Sally McManus has written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison seeking four days paid leave and travel time to facilitate the rapid inoculation of the largely-unvaccinated private sector aged and disability care workforce.

Major greenfields deals back on agenda; employers push for more

The Morrison Government has committed to reintroducing the major projects greenfields agreement provisions it removed from the IR Omnibus Bill, while employer organisations are pushing it to revive other jettisoned elements that would have overhauled enterprise bargaining and the award system.