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New FWC member recalls "grenade with pin pulled out" case

Former SDA leader Peter O'Keeffe has expressed hope that his experience of being eviscerated by a full bench when forced to argue an absent colleague's porous case will help him perform his new FWC presidential duties with "patience and sympathy".

"There's nothing you're not worthy of": New FWC member

New FWC member Oanh Tran invoked lyrics from cinematic showstopper This Is Me during her welcome ceremony, while revealing that she only finally "owned" her refugee family's history as outworkers in a home sweatshop when current ACTU president Michele O'Neil interviewed her for a role at the former textile workers union.

"Queen of the PABOs" switches seats

A welcome ceremony for the FWC's youngest member has learned about her passion for combat sports and strongman competitions, her pedigree as the daughter of probably the country's first union leader of Asian heritage and her title as "Queen of the PABOs".

Economist Danielle Wood to be first female PC head

Grattan Institute chief executive Danielle Wood is set to become the first female chair of the Productivity Commission, after Chris Barrett turned down the role.

Burke notes "extraordinary" Qantas on-hire regime, as Joyce departs

Qantas Group chief executive Alan Joyce has brought forward his retirement to help the company "accelerate its renewal" after a 15-year reign that featured a hard line on IR, including the dramatic 2011 lockout and grounding, the outsourcing of ground handling at the height of the pandemic and the establishment of cost-cutting internal labour hire arrangements when he led Jetstar.

Vale Ron Callus

IR academic and researcher Ron Callus, best known for leading a pioneering IR research centre and the first of the two landmark Australian Workplace IR Surveys, is being remembered for his outstanding scholarship, along with his humanity and compassion, after his death in Sydney aged 70.

Fels to run ACTU "price gouging" inquiry

The ACTU has ramped up the prosecution of its case that profits rather than wages are fuelling inflation, securing former ACCC chair Alan Fels to conduct a public inquiry into "price gouging" and unfair pricing practices.

Swanny staffer to head PC

The chief of staff to Rudd-Gillard Government treasurer Wayne Swan is set to be the next chair of the Productivity Commission, as the institution prepares to "renew" its mission, after criticism of its approach to issues including IR.

Conflict-solving smarts learned at mum's knee: New member

A new FWC member has credited his mother-of-seven's "second-to-none" conciliation and mediation skills for his early-age lessons in conflict resolution, while a second new recruit has expressed his appreciation for his parents giving him every chance in life, lamenting that he "probably didn't take many of them".