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Worker blew last chance "spectacularly"; Alcoa strike; & more

Worker blew last chance "in spectacular fashion"; Alcoa mine and refinery workers down tools; Foreign pilots visa designed to drive down salaries: Union; Emergency services commissioner resigns over bullying.

Newsflash: New APS Commissioner appointed

Former ambassador and current Prime Ministerial chief of staff Peter Woolcott has been announced as the new APS Commissioner, succeeding John Lloyd.

ACTU's new 'dynamic duo' issues rallying cry to unions

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has today mounted a spirited defence of solidarity among union members, saying that calling a strikebreaker a "scab" is "an accurate description", while the peak body's new president said she experienced the power of unions when as 14-year-old waitress, members helped her fight back against sexual harassment by a supervisor.

New leadership for AWU in Queensland

The AWU's Queensland branch will soon have a new secretary to drive its efforts to rebuild its ailing membership and finances.

Two new members for NSW IRC

The Berejiklian Government has quietly made two appointments to the NSW IRC.

Former union secretary fined for overpaying himself

The Federal Court has fined a former Flight Attendants' Association international division secretary $2000 for failing to submit six years of the union's budgets and overpaying himself $16,000 in 2011, taking into account his cooperation and "genuine belief" he was entitled to the sum.

James replaced as Fair Work Ombudsman

Senior Jobs Department IR policy advisor Sandra Parker has today been announced as the new Fair Work Ombudsman, bringing Natalie James's five-year tenure to an end.

New public service watchdog confronts Lloyd decision

The Turnbull Government's new public service watchdog faces a crunch decision on departing Australian Public Service chief John Lloyd soon after starting in the position on June 25.

Lloyd resigns in wake of alleged code breach

The Australian Public Service Commissioner, John Lloyd, has resigned two weeks after Senate Estimates heard that he faced an allegation of breaching the public service code of conduct.