Courts page 17 of 94

939 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Court clamps anti-vax advocate's "threatening" emails

A Federal Court judge has moved swiftly to shut down a legal representative for 18 airline workers seeking damages for COVID-19 vaccination-related sackings after he sent "obscene [and] threatening" emails to the defendants' lawyers and in-house IR teams.

Lawyers superfluous in vax case: FWC

A large employer had no need to pay for external lawyers when it could have relied on its HR team to argue against a former employee's "straightforward" vaccination case, the FWC has found.

Union, builder fined $1.35M for subcontractor boycott

The ACCC has secured a maximum $750,000 fine against the CFMMEU for breaching competition laws when it pressured a major construction company to boycott a non-union subcontractor.

Former law firm partner seeks $2M over alleged discrimination

A lawyer is suing her former firm for $2 million in a case accusing it of misrepresenting her employment as that of an independent contractor and discriminating against her because of her gender, race and age.

Court throws cloak over ACIC adverse action case

The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has in winning broad-ranging suppression orders "strongly" rejected the claim by a former IT officer suing it over an alleged "sham" redundancy that such measures were pointless given potential witnesses could be readily identified through their LinkedIn profiles.

Workers on $170K not "guaranteed" high income: Court

A major mining company should have paid untaken sick leave to 20 retrenched employees, the Federal Court has ruled, in a judgment closely examining how the Fair Work Act's high-income threshold applies to annualised salaries.

CBA withheld documents: Wage inspectors

The Victorian Government's wage inspectorate has charged two Commonwealth Bank subsidiaries with allegedly failing to pay more than $70,000 in long service leave entitlements to 20 former employees and failing to comply with a notice to produce documents.

"Remedial" training for union officials unnecessary: Court

A court has fined a CFMMEU official almost $9000, but has attached little weight to "remedial" training he undertook after the ABCC charged him with preventing a concrete pour, saying it should not be necessary for someone in his role.

Newsflash: Court rejects CFMMEU demerger case

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has again been frustrated in its bid to win independence from the amalgamated union after a full Federal Court today upheld a FWC finding that its application for a ballot of members failed on a threshold issue.