Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 12 of 26

260 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Large employer could have done better: FWC

An Orica labour supplier's redundancy method, in which it surprised a full-time employee during downsizing by handing him a letter confirming the "successful completion" of his role, has rendered the dismissal unfair.

Tribunal rebuffs worker's plea to plug FEG 'empathy gap'

The AAT has rebuffed a claim of unfair treatment under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee from a worker who claimed she missed out on a redundancy payment because of her loyalty and empathy in staying-on with a failed company as its employee numbers dropped below the small business threshold.

Settlement wins back 100% of FEG outlays

IR Minister Christian Porter has congratulated his department and a Government-appointed special purpose liquidator for securing recovery of 100% of entitlements paid by the FEG to former employees of failed Clive Palmer entity Queensland Nickel.

Call to "lift up" the vulnerable as automation advances

As a global robotics report warns that the main occupations production workers are moving to are among the most vulnerable to automation, an Australian academic is urging the adoption of policies to ensure disadvantaged workers are not left behind.

Director ineligible for FEG payment: AAT

The AAT has ruled against a bid for a FEG advance by an employee of a failed company, finding that his role as a director rendered him ineligible.

Can Gina's train deal glitch constitute a minor error?

The FWC has held that an agreement negotiated with two train drivers but set to cover an entire transferred workforce on the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network was not genuinely agreed, but it is asking whether this is a minor error that can be dealt with via an undertaking, "odd as that may be".