Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 14 of 26

257 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Social media is workers' "new weapon": Union leader

Victorian unions are preparing to run a long social media campaign to secure the reinstatement of 16 Crown Casino workers after receiving advice that the outsourcing of their work is probably lawful

Bid begins to claw back $67m in Queensland Nickel FEG payments

Liquidators seeking to recover almost $67 million in taxpayer funds paid to former Queensland Nickel employees have avoided a "chase for Skase" scenario after they yesterday served papers on counsel for holidaying ex-director Clive Palmer and 20 others.

Sweden-based manager can pursue case in WA: Tribunal

The WA IRC has found a manager of an Australian-based company working overseas is entitled to pursue a contractual benefits claim, despite performing all but a fortnight of his two years in the job in Sweden.

Fillip for privatisation as tribunal rejects transfer payments

As NSW's Berejiklian Government prepares to outsource some bus services in metropolitan Sydney, it has seen off a union bid to win a five-year employment guarantee, enhanced redundancy entitlements and transfer payments for transport workers moved to a private provider in Newcastle.

Telstra job cuts threaten company's viability: Union

Communication unions have accused Telstra of "a race to the bottom" after confirmation today that the telco will cut at least 1400 jobs – almost 5% of its Australian workforce – over the next six months.

Union claims bus drivers unaware free-ride action breached order

The RTBU says public bus drivers across Sydney who today wore mufti and refused to collect fares to protest privatisation plans were unaware of a NSW IRC order overnight demanding that it direct members not to engage in any form of industrial action.

Public service bosses' pay tied to job cuts

The new WA Labor Government has unveiled a public service overhaul that will link 20% of pay for PS mandarins to hitting key performance indicators likely to include significant staff cuts.

Fairfax cuts spark wildcat strike

Fairfax editorial staff voted today for a week-long strike in protest at a management decision to cut about a quarter of the company’s remaining journalists.