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HSU's Jackson fails to overturn repayment order

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has today failed in her attempt to appeal a Federal Court decision for her to repay about $1.4 million to her old union.

FWC upholds ATO's sacking of manager who failed to lodge tax returns

The ATO's sacking of a debt collection manager with almost 30-years' service has been upheld by the FWC after it found her failure to lodge personal tax returns over four consecutive years amounted to serious misconduct that warranted dismissal.

Defecating courier unfairly dumped by employer: FWC

An employer had a valid reason to sack a long-serving courier who had "no choice" but to defecate in a client's carpark while on the job, but his dismissal without notice was unfair, the Fair Work Commission has found.

Embattled NUW branch makes big loss on media play

The NUW's troubled NSW branch faces a complete $250,000 write-down on its investment in a failed media company, Manic Times Pty Ltd, while the union's national secretary has confirmed it proceeded with a fundraiser that came under fire in the Heydon Royal Commission.

Mentally-ill employee unfairly dismissed: FWC

An employee who threatened to "go postal" in the workplace was unfairly dismissed, because he was mentally unwell, the Fair Work Commission has ruled.

Four new members for FWC

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash today appointed a former Freehills and Clayton Utz lawyer, an ACCI IR director and two IR managers as members of the FWC, while she extended the term of the tribunal's sole acting commissioner.