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War breaks out between shop and meat unions

Tensions over the new national agreement covering Coles supermarkets has boiled over into angry public exchanges between officials from the SDA and the meatworkers' union.

CPSU members starting four-hour strikes next month

CPSU members in 17 APS agencies are set to begin a campaign of rolling four-hour stoppages next month, as the union seeks to pressure the federal government to increase its sub-inflation pay offers.

Minimum wage a key economic driver: Shorten

Federal Labor in opposition made its first-ever submission to a national wage case because of the critical role of the minimum wage in driving consumption and ensuring the dignity of ordinary workers, the party’s leader, Bill Shorten, told the ACTU’s Congress today.

Home search order refused in restraint of trade dispute

The WA Supreme Court has refused to grant an order to search the home of a labour hire company's former Rio Tinto Pilbara account manager accused of soliciting business for a competitor in breach of a six-month restraint of trade provision.

Unions commit to $13m political campaign fund

The ACTU’s Congress has today endorsed a three-year, $13 million political campaign strategy will use unexploited seams of “gold” data held by unions, combined with boots on the ground in 35 marginal seats.

Unions seeking 2% extra super contribution for women

The ACTU’s Congress has today called for women to receive an extra 2% employer superannuation contribution to make up for their lower retirement balances in comparison to men.

No anti-bullying order after employer reforms behaviour

The FWC has declined to make an order against a radiology company found to have bullied an employee, saying its recent "careful attention to procedural fairness" made it unlikely its conduct would continue.