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6175 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Federal

Judge carpets "intransigent" federal agency

The Federal Circuit Court has criticised the Federal Department of Agriculture for taking a "belligerent", "intransigent course" in resisting an extension of time and seeking costs against a former employee despite her lawyers accepting full responsibility.

"Whistleblower" ex-chair pursuing general protections claim

The former chair of an ASX-listed agribusiness who claims he was constructively dismissed via a $200,000 pay cut and demotion after raising concerns about its management is suing it for adverse action and breaching whistleblower laws.

Bonus smokes supervisor's dismissal claim

A marijuana-smoking supervisor who allegedly resigned after declining a drug test has had his unfair dismissal claim thrown out because a "project uplift" allowance of at least 25% counted as earnings that pushed him beyond the high-income threshold.

Don't cloud judgements with moral denunciations: Full court

A five-member full Federal Court has today warned judges against allowing "moral judgements" to intrude when they are imposing penalties, in overturning heavy fines for a CFMMEU "no ticket, no start" transgression after a judicial officer took the wrong approach to its "recidivist" history of contraventions.

FWO ramps up recoveries, compliance notices

Despite suspending field-based work due to COVID-19, the FWO's annual report reveals it has more than tripled the amount recovered for workers and significantly increased its compliance activities after revising its strategy.

FWC modifies agreement after ABCC objection

The FWC has varied a construction supply company's newly-approved deal after the ABCC objected to its consultation clause, maintaining it was inconsistent with the building code's freedom of association requirements.

Virgin plans up in air after Scurrah exit; Qantas appeals

Virgin Australia's goal of promptly securing agreements with unions for its downsized rebirth faces a new hurdle after the resignation today of chief executive Paul Scurrah, while Qantas has confirmed it has filed its challenge to the recent Federal Court JobKeeper ruling.

Entry permit granted despite coronavirus-related slip-up

The FWC has issued a new entry permit to an AMOU organiser who claimed his COVID-19-related workload twice led to him inadvertently using an expired ticket when he visited members on offshore vessels.