Federal page 325 of 616

6155 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Federal

Bullying claim against charity enters "untested" territory

A major charity has been granted permission to use external lawyers against a self-represented foster carer in a complex case the FWC says may have broad consequences for the anti-bullying jurisdiction.

Airline's corporate structure hampers bargaining: Union

The ASU and Virgin Australia have clashed over the former's bid for a majority support determination to open the way for bargaining, the union alleging the airline's organisational structure intentionally impeded the process.

Court puts bite on recalcitrant, underpaying dentist

The former director of a liquidated dental practice has been penalised and ordered to backpay a 457 visa worker thousands of dollars after a second adverse underpayment judgment involving his company.

ETU says it won't wear ban on union T-shirt

The ETU is suing the operator of Victoria's electricity transmission and distribution network for banning a delegate from wearing his union-branded T-shirt, claiming it is taking adverse and discriminatory action by threatening that it might dismiss him if he wears it again.

Aerocare to revert to award in six months

The major aviation services company Aerocare will continue to seek approval for a new enterprise agreement after the FWC agreed to terminate an underlying 2012 agreement, with the consequence that employees will be entitled to award coverage.

Exclusion from Christmas cheer "not bullying": FWC

The FWC has refused to issue an interim anti-bullying order against an employer that excluded a cleaner from a workplace Christmas celebration and refused to give her leave on Australia Day, but has criticised its "poor and clumsy" handling of the worker's complaints.

High Court ruling to constrain expression of political views: Academics

Academics are warning of a "chilling effect" on the ability of public servants to express their political views, following today's High Court finding that a government department lawfully dismissed a public affairs officer over a barrage of highly-critical anonymous tweets.

Settlement wins back 100% of FEG outlays

IR Minister Christian Porter has congratulated his department and a Government-appointed special purpose liquidator for securing recovery of 100% of entitlements paid by the FEG to former employees of failed Clive Palmer entity Queensland Nickel.

Newsflash: High Court rules on workplace Twitter case

The High Court has today unanimously struck down a ruling that a federal government department unjustifiably trespassed on the implied constitutional rights of an employee when it dismissed her over her political tweets.

CFMMEU seeks urgent review of PABO rejection

With the FWC about to redetermine a non-union Latrobe Valley power industry deal made with a handful of employees, the CFMMEU has lodged an urgent challenge to a decision denying it a protected action ballot order on the basis it was too late to propose an alternative, union deal.