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Researcher sacked for fishing on Reef reels in $8,000 privacy breach payout

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has increased a damages payout to a casual marine researcher who lost his job at a Queensland university after a government agency disclosed to a News Corp publication that he had been caught and fined for fishing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Ruling highlights boundary for assistance to unrepresented parties

An FWC full bench has expressed "grave reservations" about a member's assessment of compensation for a dismissed worker, in a case that illustrates the limits to the assistance the tribunal can extend to self-represented litigants.

Full court provides guidance on assistance to unrepresented parties

In a decision that canvasses how much assistance the FWC should provide to unrepresented parties, a full Federal Court has found an employer was not denied procedural fairness when the FWC dismissed an appeal notice that was more "diatribe" than pleading and didn't tell the employer to fix it.

CFO's restraint clause too broad: Court

Restraint of trade clauses preventing a chief financial officer from jumping ship and working at a rival fashion retailer were broader than what was reasonable to protect the employer's legitimate interests, a court has found.

Ruling clarifies application of privacy principles to Facebook accounts

An employer was not obliged to immediately notify an employee it was accessing her Facebook messages or posts during a disciplinary investigation, Victoria's Supreme Court has confirmed in a decision clarifying the manner in which information privacy principles apply to social media.

FWC explains decision to terminate industrial action at airports

The FWC terminated protected action at airports because suspension would have provided a "non-permanent conclusion" to the long-running bargaining dispute between the CPSU and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

High Court provides new guidance on vicarious liability

The High Court has outlined principles to apply when assessing employers' vicarious liability in its ruling that a former boarder should not have been granted an extension of time to pursue a college over his sexual abuse by a housemaster half a century ago.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.

Consulates can't circumvent Australian IR laws: Court

An appeal by an Italian consulate over disputed annual leave and superannuation entitlements has failed after a court ruled it was not immune from proceedings brought under Australian law.